NCCT will be closed Tuesday Feb 18 due to inclement weather.

Note to Employers: If a name cannot be found on this list, it may be the result of a typographical or administrative error, or the individual may be certified under a different name. This may also occur if the individual has not agreed to release his/her certification status to the public. For further assistance, you may call NCCT at 800-875-4404.

Last Name is required to verify a certification. To reduce your search, you may also enter first name or NCCT User ID.

Only the first 10 (ten) results will be displayed, reduce your search criteria to view additional results.

Status Definitions

Active — To maintain an active status, a certificant must meet the annual recertification requirements.

Inactive — Certification becomes inactive if annual recertification requirements are not met. However, certificants can obtain active status by successfully completing the required number of CE CH and making the recertification fee payments for the missed years.

Invalid — If a certification remains inactive for five or more years the certification becomes invalid. The individual is no longer certified by NCCT and he/she can no longer use the NCCT credentials. If certification is desired at this time, it is necessary for the individual to again qualify, apply, pay, and successfully complete the certification examination.